Customer Testimonials

What our customers are saying

“As a first-time homebuyer, I was not even aware that I needed Condo insurance on the unit I was purchasing.  Thankfully, …reached out and guided me through the entire process.  I was very pleased as to how seamless he made the whole transaction.  I was very anxious with the financing portion of the purchase, so to not have a single worry about the insurance piece was quite a relief.  It is also very comforting to be able to talk with a live person about any questions or concerns that I may have.  Thanks…!!!!”

– Jeremy

“I have had my home insurance … for a number of years.  For some reason, it just never crossed my mind to place my automobile coverage with them.  That is until I talked to …! He was very diligent in explaining all the discounts that they could offer as well as the various coverages that I may be interested in obtaining.  Furthermore, after examining my auto policy, … even alerted me to some things that I didn’t need to be paying for, which was quite a plus.  I’m kicking myself for not calling … sooner, but I’m thrilled to be a customer.”

– Lisa

“We were selling and buying a home at the same time and things were very hectic.  Insurance was the last thing I was thinking about.  Luckily, … is always there to answer the phone ( no 800 number robots) and help me with whatever the situation.  He smooths out the process and always keeps us posted as to the current status of our policies.  I never realized what an asset a professional insurance agent is to our entire portfolio of insurance products, financial security instruments and general peace of mind.  Looking forward to a long relationship….”

– Chris

“When I talked … he listened to what I actually needed. We went over coverages and options for my condo policy and made it very easy for me. What really helped me decide … was the no pressure process.”

– Kate

“…was awesome helping me with my claim. He took the time to make sure everything was ok and went over the process making me feel like part of the family.”

– Michelle

“Whenever I call … I really appreciate that I can always get through to someone. … always has a sunny disposition and it comes through when I call in. It is nice to have someone that actually takes the time to ask about more than just business. It just shows that the team … cares.”

– Derrick

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